Triangle calculator ASA
To calculate the missing information of a triangle when given the ASA theorem, you can use the known angles and side lengths to find the remaining side lengths and angles.
If you know the measures of two angles (A and C) and the length of one side (b) between them, you can use the Law of Cosines to find the length of the remaining sides (a and c) as:
a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc * cos(A)
c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab * cos(C)
Once you have the length of the two remaining sides, you can use the Law of Sines to find the measure of the angle (B) that is not given as:
a/sin(A) = b/sin(B) = c/sin(C) = 2R
Where R is the circumradius of the triangle
You can also use the given angles and side length to find the area of the triangle using Heron's formula or using trigonometric functions like Sin or Cos.
It's important to note that you need to have the measures of two angles and one side to use this theorem. If you have only one angle and one side, it would not be possible to determine the triangle completely.
If you know one side, adjacent, and opposite angles use the AAS calculator.
Triangle ASA theorem math problems:
- The aspect ratio
The aspect ratio of the rectangular triangle is 13:12:5. Calculate the internal angles of the triangle.
- Two triangles SSA
We can form two triangles with the given information. Use the Law of Sines to solve the triangles. A = 59°, a = 13, b = 14
- Sine theorem 2
From the sine theorem, find the ratio of the sides of a triangle whose angles are 30°, 60°, and 90°.
- Triangle and its heights
Calculate the length of the sides of the triangle ABC if va=5 cm, vb=7 cm and side b are 5 cm shorter than side a.
- Cosine
Cosine and sine theorem: Calculate all missing values from triangle ABC. c = 2.9 cm; β = 28°; γ = 14° α =? °; a =? cm; b =? cm
AC= 40cm , angle DAB=38 , angle DCB=58 , angle DBC=90 , DB is perpendicular on AC , find BD and AD
- Angles by cosine law
Calculate the size of the angles of the triangle ABC if it is given by: a = 3 cm; b = 5 cm; c = 7 cm (use the sine and cosine theorem).
- Triangle 75
Triangle ABC has angle C bisected and intersected AB at D. Angle A measures 20 degrees, and angle B measures 40 degrees. The question is to determine AB-AC if length AD=1.
- Parallelogram 6049
Calculate the area of the parallelogram if a = 57cm, the diagonal u = 66cm, and the angle against the diagonal is beta β = 57° 43'
- Calculate 4422
Calculate the perimeter of the triangle ABC if a = 12 cm, the angle beta is 38 degrees, and the gamma is 92 degrees.
- Medians of isosceles triangle
The isosceles triangle has a base ABC |AB| = 16 cm and a 10 cm long arm. What is the length of the medians?
- Largest angle of the triangle
Calculate the largest angle of the triangle whose sides have the sizes: 2a, 3/2a, 3a
- Mast shadow
The mast has a 13 m long shadow on a slope rising from the mast foot toward the shadow angle at an angle of 15°. Determine the height of the mast if the sun above the horizon is at an angle of 33°. Use the law of sines.
- Three 235
Three houses form a triangular shape. House A is 50 feet from house C and house B is 60 feet from house C. The measure is angle ABC is 80 degrees. Draw a picture and find the distance between A and B.
- Children playground
The playground has a trapezoid shape, and the parallel sides have a length of 36 m and 21 m. The remaining two sides are 14 m long and 16 m long. Find the size of the inner trapezoid angles.
- Rhomboid
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- Two chords
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