Triangle calculator SSA

Please enter two sides and a non-included angle



Triangle has two solutions with side c=79.78436813757 and with side c=29.81881277045













#1 Acute scalene triangle.




The lengths of the sides of the triangle:
a = 98
b = 85
c = 79.78436813757

Area: T = 3241.04398073244
Perimeter: p = 262.78436813757
Semiperimeter: s = 131.39218406879

Angle ∠ A = α = 72.90875112757° = 72°54'27″ = 1.27224761212 rad
Angle ∠ B = β = 56° = 0.97773843811 rad
Angle ∠ C = γ = 51.09224887243° = 51°5'33″ = 0.89217321513 rad

Altitude (height) to the side a: ha = 66.14436695372
Altitude (height) to the side b: hb = 76.26597601723
Altitude (height) to the side c: hc = 81.24656821104

Median: ma = 66.28988973127
Median: mb = 78.60332308937
Median: mc = 82.60223065449

Inradius: r = 24.66769792459
Circumradius: R = 51.26442628114

Vertex coordinates: A[79.78436813757; 0] B[0; 0] C[54.80109045401; 81.24656821104]
Centroid: CG[44.86215286386; 27.08218940368]
Coordinates of the circumscribed circle: U[39.89218406879; 32.19772931802]
Coordinates of the inscribed circle: I[46.39218406879; 24.66769792459]

Exterior (or external, outer) angles of the triangle:
∠ A' = α' = 107.09224887243° = 107°5'33″ = 1.27224761212 rad
∠ B' = β' = 124° = 0.97773843811 rad
∠ C' = γ' = 128.90875112757° = 128°54'27″ = 0.89217321513 rad







How did we calculate this triangle?

The calculation of the triangle has two phases. The first phase calculates all three sides of the triangle from the input parameters. The first phase is different for the different triangles query entered. The second phase calculates other triangle characteristics, such as angles, area, perimeter, heights, the center of gravity, circle radii, etc. Some input data also results in two to three correct triangle solutions (e.g., if the specified triangle area and two sides - typically resulting in both acute and obtuse) triangle).

1. Use the Law of Cosines

We know the lengths of all three sides of the triangle, so the triangle is uniquely specified. Next, we calculate another of its characteristics - the same procedure for calculating the triangle from the known three sides (SSS).

2. The triangle perimeter is the sum of the lengths of its three sides

3. The semiperimeter of the triangle

The semiperimeter of the triangle is half its perimeter. The semiperimeter frequently appears in formulas for triangles to be given a separate name. By the triangle inequality, the longest side length of a triangle is less than the semiperimeter.


4. The triangle area using Heron's formula

Heron's formula gives the area of a triangle when the length of all three sides is known. There is no need to calculate angles or other distances in the triangle first. Heron's formula works equally well in all cases and types of triangles.

5. Calculate the heights of the triangle from its area.

There are many ways to find the height of the triangle. The easiest way is from the area and base length. The triangle area is half of the product of the base's length and height. Every side of the triangle can be a base; there are three bases and three heights (altitudes). Triangle height is the perpendicular line segment from a vertex to a line containing the base.

6. Calculation of the inner angles of the triangle using a Law of Cosines

The Law of Cosines is useful for finding a triangle's angles when we know all three sides. The cosine rule, also known as the Law of Cosines, relates all three sides of a triangle with an angle of a triangle. The Law of Cosines extrapolates the Pythagorean theorem for any triangle. Pythagorean theorem works only in a right triangle. Pythagorean theorem is a special case of the Law of Cosines and can be derived from it because the cosine of 90° is 0. It is best to find the angle opposite the longest side first. With the Law of Cosines, there is also no problem with obtuse angles as with the Law of Sines because the cosine function is negative for obtuse angles, zero for right, and positive for acute angles. We also use an inverse cosine called arccosine to determine the angle from the cosine value.

7. Inradius

An incircle of a triangle is a tangent circle to each side. An incircle center is called an incenter and has a radius named inradius. All triangles have an incenter, and it always lies inside the triangle. The incenter is the intersection of the three-angle bisectors. The product of a triangle's inradius and semiperimeter (half the perimeter) is its area.

8. Circumradius

The circumcircle of a triangle is a circle that passes through all of the triangle's vertices, and the circumradius of a triangle is the radius of the triangle's circumcircle. The circumcenter (center of the circumcircle) is the point where the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle intersect.

9. Calculation of medians

A median of a triangle is a line segment joining a vertex to the opposite side's midpoint. Every triangle has three medians, and they all intersect each other at the triangle's centroid. The centroid divides each median into parts in the ratio of 2:1, with the centroid being twice as close to the midpoint of a side as it is to the opposite vertex. We use Apollonius's theorem to calculate a median's length from its side's lengths.
















#2 Obtuse scalene triangle.




The lengths of the sides of the triangle:
a = 98
b = 85
c = 29.81881277045

Area: T = 1211.29770623053
Perimeter: p = 212.81881277045
Semiperimeter: s = 106.40990638523

Angle ∠ A = α = 107.09224887243° = 107°5'33″ = 1.86991165324 rad
Angle ∠ B = β = 56° = 0.97773843811 rad
Angle ∠ C = γ = 16.90875112757° = 16°54'27″ = 0.29550917401 rad

Altitude (height) to the side a: ha = 24.72203482103
Altitude (height) to the side b: hb = 28.50111073484
Altitude (height) to the side c: hc = 81.24656821104

Median: ma = 40.69547216467
Median: mb = 58.65441590162
Median: mc = 90.51108823018

Inradius: r = 11.38334011733
Circumradius: R = 51.26442628114

Vertex coordinates: A[29.81881277045; 0] B[0; 0] C[54.80109045401; 81.24656821104]
Centroid: CG[28.20663440816; 27.08218940368]
Coordinates of the circumscribed circle: U[14.90990638523; 49.04883889302]
Coordinates of the inscribed circle: I[21.40990638523; 11.38334011733]

Exterior (or external, outer) angles of the triangle:
∠ A' = α' = 72.90875112757° = 72°54'27″ = 1.86991165324 rad
∠ B' = β' = 124° = 0.97773843811 rad
∠ C' = γ' = 163.09224887243° = 163°5'33″ = 0.29550917401 rad

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How did we calculate this triangle?

The calculation of the triangle has two phases. The first phase calculates all three sides of the triangle from the input parameters. The first phase is different for the different triangles query entered. The second phase calculates other triangle characteristics, such as angles, area, perimeter, heights, the center of gravity, circle radii, etc. Some input data also results in two to three correct triangle solutions (e.g., if the specified triangle area and two sides - typically resulting in both acute and obtuse) triangle).

1. Use the Law of Cosines

We know the lengths of all three sides of the triangle, so the triangle is uniquely specified. Next, we calculate another of its characteristics - the same procedure for calculating the triangle from the known three sides (SSS).

2. The triangle perimeter is the sum of the lengths of its three sides

3. The semiperimeter of the triangle

The semiperimeter of the triangle is half its perimeter. The semiperimeter frequently appears in formulas for triangles to be given a separate name. By the triangle inequality, the longest side length of a triangle is less than the semiperimeter.

4. The triangle area using Heron's formula

Heron's formula gives the area of a triangle when the length of all three sides is known. There is no need to calculate angles or other distances in the triangle first. Heron's formula works equally well in all cases and types of triangles.

5. Calculate the heights of the triangle from its area.

There are many ways to find the height of the triangle. The easiest way is from the area and base length. The triangle area is half of the product of the base's length and height. Every side of the triangle can be a base; there are three bases and three heights (altitudes). Triangle height is the perpendicular line segment from a vertex to a line containing the base.

6. Calculation of the inner angles of the triangle using a Law of Cosines

The Law of Cosines is useful for finding a triangle's angles when we know all three sides. The cosine rule, also known as the Law of Cosines, relates all three sides of a triangle with an angle of a triangle. The Law of Cosines extrapolates the Pythagorean theorem for any triangle. Pythagorean theorem works only in a right triangle. Pythagorean theorem is a special case of the Law of Cosines and can be derived from it because the cosine of 90° is 0. It is best to find the angle opposite the longest side first. With the Law of Cosines, there is also no problem with obtuse angles as with the Law of Sines because the cosine function is negative for obtuse angles, zero for right, and positive for acute angles. We also use an inverse cosine called arccosine to determine the angle from the cosine value.

7. Inradius

An incircle of a triangle is a tangent circle to each side. An incircle center is called an incenter and has a radius named inradius. All triangles have an incenter, and it always lies inside the triangle. The incenter is the intersection of the three-angle bisectors. The product of a triangle's inradius and semiperimeter (half the perimeter) is its area.

8. Circumradius

The circumcircle of a triangle is a circle that passes through all of the triangle's vertices, and the circumradius of a triangle is the radius of the triangle's circumcircle. The circumcenter (center of the circumcircle) is the point where the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle intersect.

9. Calculation of medians

A median of a triangle is a line segment joining a vertex to the opposite side's midpoint. Every triangle has three medians, and they all intersect each other at the triangle's centroid. The centroid divides each median into parts in the ratio of 2:1, with the centroid being twice as close to the midpoint of a side as it is to the opposite vertex. We use Apollonius's theorem to calculate a median's length from its side's lengths.

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See triangle basics on Wikipedia or more details on solving triangles.